What is Colour Blindness?

Colour Blindness

When a person is colour blind it doesn’t usually mean they can’t see any colour at all. Although there are some very rare cases of black and white vision (called monochromacy), the majority of sufferers are unable to differentiate between certain colours. The cause of colour blindness occurs in the retina which contains colour sensitive cone cells. Colour blindness occurs when one or more types of these cone cells are faulty or simply not present. The most common form of the condition is red-green colour blindness, which occurs when the red or green sensing cone cells are faulty. This means sufferers can’t see red or green properly and also mix up colours containing these shades.

What’s the difference between RGB and CMYK?

RGB stands for red, green and blue, and is the system used to create realistic colours on digital mediums such as televisions and computers. The pixels on the screen are one of these three colours and blend together to create all the colours we see. CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black) and is used for colour printing. Tiny dots of these colours are printed onto paper and appear as the intended colours to our eyes.

How did American Civil war start?

In the 19th century the southern USA was made up of so-called slave states, where owning and trading slaves was legal. After Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860, many of these states feared he would make slavery illegal across the country. Much of the economy in the south was based around plantations, predominantly producing cotton, which relied heavily on slave labour. To avoid losing what they saw as an inherent right to keep slaves, these states quickly voted to secede or split from the Union and go it alone. By February 1861, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, South Carolina and Mississippi formed what became known as the Confederate States of America. Soon this Confederacy appointed its own provisional president, Jefferson Davis, and made hasty preparations for a coming confl ict with the north. Though some slave states also existed in the north of the country, such as Delaware and Maryland, they opted to remain within the Union. President Lincoln condemned the Southern states’ secession from the Union calling it illegal, and though he made desperate efforts to save the Union, it was already too late. Soon after his inauguration in March 1861, the attack on Fort Sumter sparked open warfare between the north and the south. The Civil War had begun. 

What is Colour Blindness? What is Colour Blindness? Reviewed by Unknown on September 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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